A good mix: fail or not?

Following up on the mix I made over the weekend, here are the results.
I have "mixed" feelings about it actually: I undid my two braids and although my ends are nice, still soft and sort of moisturised, I have a couple of patches where my hair is dry. Now, I am not sure whether it is due to the products or because my hair tends to do that on a regular basis (yes, I have specific spots that tend do be dry, no matter what I do).
I am also wondering if I should have followed straight away with a moisturising DC, as we all know  that a protein one dries the hair. But I have done the mix of protein/moisturising DC before and had very good results, even on those dry patches. Maybe I did put too much of the Elasta QP in there this time?
Or maybe I should simply come to the conclusion that my hair does not like the Elasta QP's protein DC!
So my verdict is that I will finish this pot but will not re-purchase it again and stick to what I know: ORS Replenishing Conditioner mixed with other moisturisers...
I will have to give extra TLC to my head for the next few nights when I moisturise and seal as this was not a good experience.
Has anyone had a bad experience with that product in the past?

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